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A Course of Love- My bible for the year (Nia, vlog 9)
The most powerful book for our expansion into the deeper understanding of LOVE, how to live it and identify it.

The Messages in Water (Nia, Vlog 8)
Words and thoughts are powerful. They change matter. Dr Masaru Emoto proves just how powerful, in his experiment with water. The Hidden...

We are More than we Think (Nia, Vlog 7)
The Emergence of our New Sustainable World. How To Awaken Hidden Potentials Within Our Lives | Gregg Braden reference Link:...

See without your Eyes! (Nia, Vlog 6)
Our bodies are capable of so much more than we’ve been traditionally taught. We can actually see without using our eyes!

Betrayal: Mary Magdalene Revealed (Nia, Vlog 5)
Like most people, I knew very little about Mary Magdalene. But a year into my spiritual walk about I started having dreams and visions of...

The Heart Serum (Nia, blog 4)
This one is old but so endearing. I remember the moment like it was yesterday. Funny how it all pertains to the same thing: The power of...

Manifestation: “60 seconds for 7 Days” Dr. Bruce Lipton (Nia, Vlog 3)
Ever wonder why you can’t seem to manifest the life you want even though you feel they are your very truth? In this video, Dr Bruce...

The Power of Your Thoughts (Nia, Vlog 2)
Referral video: Dr. Bruce Lipton explains why sometimes we get what we want and sometimes we don’t

The Power of the Heart (Nia, Vlog 1)
My first Vlog went a little side ways. OOPS. Click here to watch The Power of the Heart: Heartmath

What To Do?
The Curious Need For A Detachment to Outcome My father had been battling stage 4-lung cancer for three years. Anyone who has dealt with...

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